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Title: Development of Home Automation Via Wireless Network
Authors: Sarah 'Izzati binti Muhammad Badri
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons) In Data Communications
Issue Date: 3-Feb-2017
Abstract: In our daily life every appliances it’s either electrical or non-electrical have to be controlled. For example, an electrical fan needs a regulatory system to control its speed or a switch to turn it ON or OFF as required. Besides that, the temperature of air-conditioner need to control after it reached the suitable temperature. In this paper, the purposed of Arduino-uno board that being focused is where to give control with the help of relay. Moreover, it is designed with Wi-Fi serial transceiver module which regulates light and fan at the relay board and programmed with the coding. This project are going to build a connection where it will be able to control the switch from computer, or from any device that connected to local Wi-Fi network from a reasonable distance, even though when a Wi-Fi connection is not available, mobile cellular networks such as 3G or 4G can be used to access the system. Lastly, by controlling appliances using Wi-Fi and internet it will make human life easier as it can control electrical appliances such as fan and light by using smartphones, tablet or laptop.
Description: Top 20 - 2nd Winner
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL BMI

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