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Title: Pressure Sensor for Prosthetic Limb
Authors: Mohamad Faiz bin Hassan
Diploma of Engineering Technology in Medical Electronics
Issue Date: 10-Apr-2018
Abstract: The purpose of this project is to help the amputees by creating a device that can alert the users about the excess pressure inside the artificial limb. This device is to detect the excess pressure between the prosthetic limb and the skin surface of the patient. For an example mechanical forces during physical activities of the amputee that can lead to breakdown of soft tissues at the stump, which can prove very difficult to heal and will inevitably result in distress for the patient. The pressure will detected using the Force Sensor Resistor (FSR) component. There are three levels of pressure in this device, which is low pressure, medium pressure and high pressure. A certain range of pressure will represent the level. For an example, a range for a low pressure is below than 8 Newton. A medium pressure is between 8 Newton until 12 Newton and for the high pressure, the range value is above than 12 Newton. The higher the value, the higher the pressure. When the pressure reach the high pressure level, the buzzer will activate as to inform the user that the excess pressure inside the artificial limb is too much pressure. This project is the combination of electric supply, Force Sensor Resistor (FSR), LCD, and microcontroller (Arduino). As to complete this project, there are a few step need to be taken which are the change of pressure, power supply, Force Sensor Resistor, design controlling circuit using Arduino, developing a source code for the Arduino and use a suitable apparatus to design all circuits. As a conclusion, this project is to design and construct a pressure sensor for prosthetic limb which will be controlled by microcontroller (Arduino). Different level indicates a different pressure.
Description: Top 20
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL BMI

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