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Title: The Development of Building Appliances Wireless Control System
Authors: Muhammad Fakhri Hizam bin Mohd Nasir
BET Electrical
Issue Date: 11-Oct-2017
Abstract: This project was created for the wiring system for building. This project is focuses for the building that has many electrical appliances. The buildings that have hundreds or thousands of lamp, air conditional and electrical appliance should be controlled by the smart system. With the wireless control system using visual basic, all of electrical appliance can be control with one interface system in laptop or computer. This system was built to minimize the wire with replaces the wireless system. This project also is to design and construct the smart systems. The user can control the electrical appliance at each floor because they just only use the command button in the computer. This system can control with easily and saves the times because the user no needs to go every floor to on or off the electrical appliance. This system uses the wireless system that has the transmitter and receiver circuit to connect the electrical appliance with laptop or computer. To complete this project it need to do some research about the wireless system. It needs to choose what signals are suitable for this project. This project will improve the system and can give the benefit to the user.
Description: Top 20
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL BMI

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