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Title: Automatic Fan Speed Temperature Controlled by Arduino
Authors: Abg Ahmad Najmuddin bin Abang Ihsannallah
DET in Electrical and Electronics
Issue Date: 17-Jun-2016
Abstract: The purpose of this project is to prevent waste of voltage usage when it is not hot enough for fan to be needed. For example, when the day is rainy or cold, the speed of the fan will reduce itself. Then, when the day gets hotter especially from 11.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. every day, the fan speed will increases itself. This fan speed is being controlled by detecting the surrounding temperature around it. This temperature used is LM35. The fan speed is also being controlled based on the program created in the microcontroller Arduino itself. This fan speed using microcontroller when it detects a certain temperature that has been set. This automatic fan speed will works when the microcontroller Arduino detects the temperature change which is range from 0°C to the max of 70°C and will be programmed in the microcontroller Arduino. The higher the surrounding temperature, the faster the speed of the fan. When the maximum of speed of the fan reaches which is 70°C, the LED will lighten up.The LED will lighten up as to inform that the speed of the fan is at the maximum speed. This project is the combination of electric supply, fan, temperature sensor (LM 35) and microcontroller (Arduino). To complete this project, there are a few steps need to be taken which are the changes of the temperature, power supply, fan, design controlling circuit using Arduino, developing a source code for the Arduino and use a suitable apparatus to design all circuit. As a conclusion, this project is to design and construct fan speed which will be controlled by microcontroller. The fan speed can be changed according to the changes of the temperature.
Description: Top 20
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL BMI

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