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Issue Date: 1-Jul-2014
Abstract: Knowledge and concerns of the bad health implications of high fat intake in consumers has resulted in a rising demand for low-fat foods. Consequently, the use of fat replacers as alternative food source is fast gaining attention among producers and consumers. In this study, the effect of adding fat replacer to fat reduced cake was investigated. The type of fat replacer used in this study was papaya fruit fibre. The papaya fibre was added into cakes formulations to replace certain amount of fats in the cakes formulations. The cakes were prepared by replacing 6%, 8% and 10% of fats with papaya fibre and were compared to a control which used 100% of fat. The moisture contents, fat contents and texture analysis on cake hardness were determined. Sensory evaluation was performed involving 10 panellists to evaluate sensory properties of fat reduced cake. The sensory properties evaluated were aroma, sponginess, stickiness and oral texture. It was found that the moisture contents were increased as the fat reduction increased. The fat contents had show there were decreased in the fat contents with the increasing of fat reduction. The texture analysis which tested for cakes hardness had show that as the amount of fat replacer used increases, the peak force also increases. The increases of peak force showed that the hardness of cakes also increases. Analysis of cake hardness using t-test had show there is significant difference in cake hardness between control and 6% fat replacer, between control and 8% fat replacer and between control and 10% fat replacer. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) for all four attributes which are aroma, sponginess, stickiness and oral texture had show there is no significant difference among the 4 samples of cakes for all four attributes. The cakes with 10% fat replacer were comparable with full fat cakes (control) since the total sensory attributes for 10% fat replacer were rated almost the same with the total rated for control. The study had show, the fat replacer is limited in the extent to which it can replace for fat and still produce an acceptable product.
Description: Diploma of Chemical Engineering Technology (Food)
URI: http://localhost/xmlui/handle/123456789/7106
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL MICET

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