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Title: Development of IOT garbage monitoring system
Authors: MUHAMMAD SYAFIQ BIN AHMAD BADRUDIN, Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons.) in Electronics
Issue Date: 4-Jul-2019
Abstract: These days, some steps are being taken to improve the cleanliness of the nation. People become more creative in doing all the things they can imagine to clean environment. Different developments are additionally begun by the government to improve tidiness. We will attempt to create a frame work to advise companies to release the container on time. In this system, we will place a sensor over the junk container that identify the percentage term waste level inside it as indicated by the containers overall size. When the waste reaches the highest level, a warning is sent to company office, at which point workers can take additionalactivity to exhaust the container. This mechanism will help to better clean the town. By using this mechanism, individual do not need to physically check each container, but they will receive a notification when the container was filled.
Description: Top 20
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL BMI

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