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Title: Development of GSM-Based Accident Notification to Emergency Medical Services in Brunei Darussalam
Authors: AK ABDUL HADI BIN PG HJ ZAINI, Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons.) in Medical Electronics
Issue Date: 4-Jul-2019
Abstract: Nowadays, life is easier as a consequence of quick growth of technology and infrastructure. However, the rise of technology also contributes to the increasing traffic hazards and road traffic accidents happen regularly, which causes mass number of fatalities in road accident cases and huge property damage as a result of poor emergency facilities. The most appropriate solution to this albatross will be provided by this project. The system will keep on updating the GPS coordinates of the vehicle via GPS module. A vibration and shock sensor will be used as an accident detector of the vehicle. In rare cases, the fire detector will be used to detect fire when the vehicle is on fire due to overheating. All of the sensors will be connected to the Arduino Uno. If the vehicle involved in an accident, the sensors will immediately send a signal to the Arduino Uno. The Arduino Uno will process the signal, and check the condition of the push button that acts as the switch. The user can terminate the message and reset the system whenever the vehicle involved in minor or normal accidents. If after 15 second delay, there is no response from the switch. The system will then retrieved the last recorded GPS values in terms of latitude and longitude values and then the system will send alert information including the location of the vehicle to the nearest hospital, with an aid of integrating hervasine formula into the system, and family members of the user through the GSM module. From the results obtained, the estimated communication time as compared to the conventional method would reduce a minimum of 6 minutes. As the system took only less than a minute to detect the accident, locate the nearest accessible hospital and to send the alert message to relevant hospital. The system will help in notifying emergency response team instantly after an accident happened. This eventually will be able to reduce the total emergency response time.
Description: Top 20 - 2nd Place
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL BMI

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