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Title: Development of Fire and Hazardous Gas Detection with Automatic Prevention System
Bachelor of Engineering Technology (Hons.) in Electrical
Issue Date: 6-Sep-2018
Abstract: The purpose of this project is to design and develop a safety system to monitor the situation in the kitchen from a gas leak that can lead to an accident. This project is to detect a gas leakage from the gas storage (cylinder gas) to the cooking stove. Implementation of gas leakage detector at the vulnerable location is one of the preventive measures to avoid the danger. This project used Microcontroller Arduino to process the input from the sensor and send the output to prevent the gas leakage getting worse by turn on the exhaust fan. The ESP8266 Wi-Fi module and buzzer also installed in this project to alert the user. MQ-6 sensor is used to detecting the hazardous gas that occurs in kitchen. The advantage of these project is to prevent the earlier stage of fire in kitchen. Without a human supervision, it could prevent the explosion because of gas leakage.
Description: Top 20
Appears in Collections:Final Year Project - UniKL BMI

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